My sister, Linda, is a genius with fabric. She uses linen, toile, cotton and lace to make your home beautiful. And she’s been doing it for over 30 years.
She calls her design shop LaBella Casa. That’s Italian for “Your Beautiful Home.”
Trust me. My sister knows a thing or two creating beautiful spaces to live.
It all started in the mud.
Our family grew up in a cherry orchard in the Yakima Valley.
When we were little, my brothers spent hours under the big Lambert tree hauling dirt, rocks, and sticks in their Tonka trucks to Linda. She used these materials to build homes filled with her designer mud furniture.
Once she finished decorating she would “sell” the home to my brothers, in exchange for Tonka truck road grading and hauling. Then she’d move to the other side of the tree and start building a mansion, that she would fill with her designer mud furniture. Continue reading My sister; a born decorator